Lilith bless the trans flag

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Hi friend. There’s two ways to compare things together, using either a simile or metaphor. A simile uses “like” in the sentence to compare two things: hot dogs are like sandwichs. A metaphor is symbolic of something else, commonly also called hyperbolic communication: Elon needs to pull his head out of his ass.

    What we have here is called a statement of fact. It is not a comparison to say that I’ve had both good days and bad days at my work. Do they have the same context (work)? Yes, but most people would compare their good days to other good days, and their bad days to other bad days. What I responded to is called a non-unique argument: i hope this is self explanatory. It is disengenuinous to say that jokes do not cause harm, when there are many types of jokes lead to additional harm through the normalization of stereotypes and rhetoric. In this case, the original commenter called out a joke that could potentially lead to harm

    Hope this helped ❤️

  • Rem is 17-19. I think 9 was a bit of an exaggeration. …but yeah, I’m not sure what’s up with the maid outfits. My honest thoughts, I think it stems from patriarchal ideas of what constitutes the core aspects of what it means to be a woman…an over sexualized cook and cleaner. A lot of trans women struggle with wanting any attention at all, even gross comments from misogynists because it validates their gender expression. It was covered in Pose (2018) pretty extensively for anyone wanting media that talks about the trans experience.

  • Hey a random use for my degree.

    Gender is based on how you feel about yourself, obviously different than sex, which is based on your chromosomes. Each culture has a different idea of what gender means. For example, the US is a mostly patriarchal culture, meaning men are mostly in charge with some exceptions (this is SLOWLY changing to a more equal culture) compared to a matriarchical culture where women are mostly in charge with some exceptions. This puts pressure on people for how men and women are expected to act.

    Gender performativity is how you perform your gender. I don’t want to assume your gender, so just think about the things you do to feel more like your gender. For some men, this is buying a muscle car or BBQing or going to the gym. These are stereotypes of masculinity, but they show how men purposely try to perform gender. For men who don’t do these things, they’re called girly or feminine.

    (bonus lesson) -Rhetorical questions- What does this say about American culture? If not performing the “man” gender results in being calling a different gender, what’s wrong with that? Why is being called girly or feminine considered a bad thing? The US spotlights masculine identities without spotlighting the gender itself, therefore making feminine traits less desirable without explicity saying so. The US have moved away from overt misogyny into subtle misogyny in order to appear more equal. It gives plausible deniability.

    The meme specifically is referring to how much harder trans people have to “perform” their gender compared to people who were assigned their gender at birth.