Vimms lair is starting to remove many roms that are being requested to be removed by Nintendo etc. soon many original roms, hacks, and translations will be lost forever. Can any of you help make archive torrents of roms from vimms lair and cdromance? They have hacks and translations that dont exist elsewhere and will probably be removed soon with ios emulation and retro handhelds bringing so much attention to roms and these sites

    4 months ago

    That’s not really at all what the point of copyright law is. It’s right there in the first sentence of the copyright act: “[the United States Congress shall have power] To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries”. The creation of the public domain is a byproduct of that productive capitalist engine, not the goal, at least according to the Act. Copyright and patent law are all about the limited monopoly because limited monopolies are how the acts envision maximizing profit motivations for artists and scientists. Every amendment to the copyright act has basically reinforced that interpretation.

    To be clear, I don’t agree with that position. IMO A universally accessible robust public domain by hook or crook is the highest goal of communications technologies like the internet; but those technologies constantly stand in opposition to copyright law more than they are compatible.