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Cake day: September 15th, 2023

  • I think that’s the biggest danger with Trump. Even though he’s less with it than Biden, what comes out of his mouth sounds more coherent if you’re not concerned with the facts of the matter.

    I was a bit concerned with Biden when he would say the wrong word or trail off, but at the end of the day it’s less about who the president is and more about who they hire. I really wish the DNC had ran a different candidate.

  • The detriment to society came when the standard for text messaging between all phones was updated to support more features and a major manufacturer intentionally didn’t update to drive sales. The US used to heavily punish that sort of behaviour, but in this case it took EU Chinese action to reign in a US company.

    Samsung, Google, Sony, and a million other manufacturers could have implemented their own messaging system, but instead they chose to facilitate the use of devices however customers want without punishing them based on the personal preferences of their friends. In some circles people may even choose not to communicate with people who don’t have iPhones or exclude them from group chats which is bad in just about any way you spin it.

  • The issue with having billions is that with maybe a miniscule amount of exceptions, no one person is able to generate billions. 99% of the time someone becomes a billionaire by starting or buying a company and maintaining a disproportionately large stake of ownership while the dozens or hundreds of people working for them receive a salary less than the profits they generate while receiving equity that is significantly smaller than the value that they contribute to the business. A truly ethical billion or trillion dollar company would be composed of a large group of multi millionaires along with a few millionaires and people living comfortable lives rather than a small group of multi billionaires and a few millionaires along with countless people struggling to get by.

  • Unless there’s liquid damage and it’s certain rows of keys not working at all it’s unlikely that you’d have that sort of partial failure of your keyboard. Even in that case it’s still usually the keyboard. If certain keys only work with excess pressure that’s pretty much 100% a hardware failure of the keyboard itself.

  • Just looked into it a bit and although the part is pretty cheap it’s a bit of a tricky repair. If you had 50 dollars lying around and wanted something better than an external keyboard you could just do the whole top case (part that all the internals go into which contains the keyboard and trackpad). Still requires taking apart the computer completely, but if you (or a friend) are feeling adventurous it’s not a bad route.

  • I guess the cultural significance likely isn’t too massive and I suppose that at first glance the date might not even stand out. I would put money though that more Brits know what happened on the 4th of July though than say the 16th of August. As I mentioned in another comment the events of American Independence happened far earlier than any of the other colonies and under massively different circumstances which were much less voluntary on the British side. How many of the other colonies successfully gained independence through a war with the British empire at the peak of its power rather than due to treaties passed in an era with massive public sentiment against imperialism.

  • I will concede the point that there are a lot of days and it would be impractical to avoid all of them for elections. However, there is a pretty massive outlier. Most of those countries that were colonies gained independence after WW2 (Iraq and Afghanistan being notable exceptions) due to a strong shift in public sentiment against imperialism. The US on the other hand gained independence 200 years before any of the other countries on that list in a war between colonists and what at the time was one of the most powerful empires in the world. Culturally speaking I’m sure that even if they don’t care too much, British citizens are much more aware of the history of American Independence than most of the other countries on the list since it was a much more dramatic affair. I will say Irish independence would likely be more relevant to British citizens and come with a higher level of historical awareness and even emotional attachment.

    EDIT: I will add that the US also has massive cultural significance on a global scale. How many people in the UK watch shows, movies, and listen to music from Egypt compared to from the states? If you look at the music charts in the UK they’re dominated by American artists.