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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • You’re underestimating just how much contempt there is for Biden. He’s losing to a Trump even more now after the debate, absolutely hemorraging support. He simply cannot win. He’s alienated the anti-genocide part of the party, calculating that he could afford to give them the finger if he tried to suck up to independents and non-existent disillusioned maga chuds. And now independents are abandoning him.

    There’s no evidence that the party would be split on a different candidate, the only argument I’ve heard for Biden up to this point is “Vote blue no matter who. He’s not Trump.”, which can be applied to literally anyone. Even Harris has a better chance against Trump at this point, the numbers show that.

    The anti-genocide people do not want Trump, but Biden literally made it impossible for them to vote for him, they will vote for basically anyone else if given the chance. Harris even has the benefit of having distanced herself from Biden’s insane support of Israel, and she’s a woman and not a catholic so she’s going to be stronger with women on abortion, she’s also the reason Biden has any of the black vote.

    Biden is a sinking ship, the life raft is not great but it will work better than just staying onboard and going down with him.

  • You’ve made the mistake thinking that this is about democracy and the American people, in reality it’s about his ego and more than a dash of creeping dementia.

    The man is living decades in the past. He thinks the GOP and Dems are still working together for the same corporate goals, he thinks hes dealing with Golda Meir’s Israel, he thinks he has 50 years to deal with climate change.

    Biden is just out of touch with reality and is too stubborn to listen to anyone telling him he’s about to drive the family van into a crowd of pedestrians because “I’ve been driving for 60 years! I know what I’m doing, stop trying to influence me!”

  • A court with more judges would water down the influence of any extremists.

    But yes, packing the court alone doesn’t guaruntee the court can’t be captured again. What Elie Mystal suggested way back when the court majority had flipped was basically two things that should happen:

    1. expand the court by alot, maybe somewhere within 20-30, similar to the 9th circuit that’s just below the Supreme Court. This helps dilute the power of individual crazies like Alito and then

    2. Rotate judges out routinely to other federal positions. This allows for their life-time appointment still, but ensures also that, due to the high number of justices, every administration is getting an opportunity to appoint a few judges every time. That revolving door means it wpuld require multiple far-right administrations to pin the court down like it is now.

    There’s no reason the court needs to be nine justices, we’ve had more and less throughout our history as a nation, and there’s no reason that the courts power needs to be concentrated into the hands of so few individuals, since the purpose of the court is suppose to be a moderating force of legal scholars, not an explicitly partisan body.