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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • How exactly do solar and wind waste more money than they generate? There is hardly anything that requires less maintenance. I put panels on my roof and just forget about them for 20 years. No space wasted, no maintenance.

    LOL, you didn’t just compare an ignorable amount of low grade consumer panels to a solar site did you? How many millions did you spend to clear land? How much did you spend on hundreds of employees, trucks, fuel, constant oh shit moments over the course of 1-2yrs to build the thing? How many millions in environmental consulting and never ending harassment from the municipality that you’re building it in? How about all the legal fees from the lawsuits from the environmentalists that are conveniently the same ones that claim they want green power?

    Also, you don’t get to claim you get to forget about anything until that 20yrs has passed and your system hasn’t shit it’s pants, I got a handful of buddies that work for solar contractors and they fuck up all the time. You know how many bad batches of panel there are out there that don’t even come close to living their lifespan? Depending on the “Deal” you got, that’s not always covered either, espeically when the companies that put them in make the majority of the money from taking the tax credits from it.

    Did you know that France had to power down about half their NPPs in the summer because the rivers didn’t carry enough water?

    Yes, I did. You realize there’s a difference between powering down, and downpowering right? Plants downpower all the time for a host of reasons, part of the deal with nuclear.

    What exactly is the plan with waste? Bury it somewhere really really deep and keep fingers crossed for thousands of years that it doesn’t contaminate ground water?

    No, and that’s never been the plan. The industry is always working on better ways to deal with the waste, in Nuclear’s case, even building pools although a pain in the ass, is safe, including literally falling into the thing.

    And what’s with all the irradiated parts of the plant itself? How can you recycle them?

    They’re decontaminated and removed. Happens all the time during outage season and during repair. What can’t be totally decontaminated is transported to where it can be.

  • but the grid will just keep getting greener as greener is cheapest.

    Really? As somebody that works in the power space, how exactly do you figure that? Nuke aside, which people constantly complain about, the NRC doesn’t like to renew licenses, doesn’t want to grant new ones, that leaves wind and solar, both are money pits, waste more than they generate, and have a horrible environmental impact both from lost land, spent panels that can’t be recycled or thrown out as they’re toxic as hell, wind farms need never ending maintenance and again, cost more to run than they give back.

    Until modular nuke become the norm and coal plants are retro’d, standard nuke plants are the absolute best bet. There’s no consiracy to keep older coal plants alive, sorry, that’s political stupidity. Every power company on the planet would dump them if they could. They’re a nightmare to operate and keep going.

  • Honestly, these days there probably wasn’t much benefit. At one point, sure, but looking at it from the standpoint of a non privacy aware person, they’re handing so much data over, ignoring the line of their travel probably does near nothing for them, while having and holding that data is a huge negative since they’ll always be harassed for it from law enforcement. Without it, they can probably dissolve whole departments of people that had to be dedicated to LE ass kissing so the police didn’t have to do their jobs or so they could cast their dragnets and put tons of innocent people through hell while they figured out everything later.

  • Then you need to be more specific with your search, while I don’t use Google because I don’t like being data mined, I just tried “download docker redis image” and that page with everything was the first result.

    When I tried exactly what you put in, on DDG, that image was the first thing that showed.

    If you’ve vague, it’s going to rank shit based on a ton of things that make it believe one is more popular than another. That’s the literal job of a search engine.

    (Typically) when people want a docker image, they go to docker hub, not to search engines. If you’d gone to docker hub one word on the search box (redis) would have given you the image.

    Or since we’re talking docker, and you knew what you wanted to install a simple “docker pull redis” would have taken care of it.