• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I speak from experience that no one other than professionals should be handling their own mail servers in 2024. I worked for a mail host. The amount of spam and attacks that befall a mail provider, even a small one, is bonkers. Plus, mail is just too damn important.

    I wish it wasn’t the case because the idea of everyone privately hosting their own mail servers would be pretty awesome. Sadly the modern internet makes it way too risky.

  • While I agree it’s the better headset, the $800 price difference and the requirement for an attached gaming computer, make it easy to see why the Quest gets the attention it does.

    The closest thing I’ve found to an in-between is the Pico 4 at ~$450 and doesn’t require any accounts. The game library is quite limited, so it’s not a full replacement for the Quest, but it can connect wired or wireless to a dedicated PC. Newegg seems to be the best US supplier for them.

  • I can speak to this. I did phone support for 6 years working with VoIP (internet phones). In my experience, it’s much less their ability to learn and much more their willingness. So many people I worked with never wanted to go off their beaten track of what they already knew how to do.

    They would do it often because it was a management decision and they were stuck with calling support. Even just training a group of 4-5 people how to transfer a call could take 15-30 minutes of explaining all the details. They don’t want new phones. They just want to get back to the work they know.

    There are certainly exceptions and occasionally they will even find it fun to learn something new or get new features, but this was definitely not the rule.

    I’ve always considered the perfect technology to be one you never realize you’re using. Linux, as broad and powerful as it’s utility can be, is anything but seamless to someone who doesn’t already have years of experience with it.