• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 16th, 2023


  • He’s not wrong. He’s probably saying it for the wrong reasons, but the statement itself is not untrue.

    Democrats can’t actually solve any of the issues they campaign on since the more things they actually solve, the fewer issues they have to make their right-wing, milque toast corporate candidates appear distinct from the GOP.

    Doing things like legislating abortion, reforming healthcare, protecting minority rights, fixing our broken immigration system etc. would mean they then have to start looking into the real fundemental issues like campaign finance reform and repealing Citizens United and stuff.

  • What does “alluding to Republicans” even mean?

    I’m pointing out that in the end you still just invoke them as boogiemen. You still fall back to “Well, the reason you vote for the problematic Dems this time is…(because Republicans).” Which is what you’ll say next election and the next and the next.

    It is the exact feedback loop I’m asking how to not participate in reinforcing since that very strategy has objectively failed for decades and only moved the nation further to the right. Yet it repeats because every election cycle morons come out and vote based on fear.

    I’m explicitly not asking about kicking the can down the road again.

    I told you exactly what to do. If you missed it, scroll back up.

    You suggest asking nicely and then, if that doesn’t work, voting in local elections and hoping some day in some indeterminate future, that trickles up and effects the party leadership somehow.

    I’m looking to destroy or disable the entrenched power structure in the DNC, not continue to indefinitely play a rigged game they themselves run. I’m not looking to help them continue playing grab-ass with the other flavor of fascists, do you understand?

    I am 100% uninterested in waiting for the general public to wake up on their own, they can wake up from the slap across the face that is Donald Trump if thats what it takes to get them to actually move their dumbasses into gear. Because if that doesn’t do it then the general public will simply acclimate to the slow boil of fascism that we are currently experiencing, and that’s when things are truly done for good.

    If someone is outnumbered by ineffectual morons with lots of money and entrenched political support and voting with the morons changes nothing, but voting against them disrupts their pattern of stupidity because they need your vote to move forward, then doing the latter is a legitimate choice to make. That is being politically active.

    It’s the difference between getting on the idiot wagon or laying down in front of it.

    It doesn’t mean change is going to happen next week.

    Right, and how long do we continue empowering the lesser of two evils? How many generations before that cycle is spontaneously disrupted by “talking to your local party leadership”?

    Fear-based “Later” politics are idiotic and cowardly. I’m opting out of that.

  • You’re just circling back around to alluding to Republicans again. I didn’t ask about how to stop Republicans. I asked how to stop right-wing extremist Democrats from directing the party.

    You admit on one hand that getting people to vote against a genocide-supporting candidate is ultimately the way you influence the Democratic party’s support of genocide when those in power won’t listen, but then still end up at the conclusion that we should vote for the genocide-supporting candidate.

    I fail to see how this will effect the Democrats future behavior. Why wouldn’t they just continue their strategy of propping up extremist right-wing opponents to make their genocide-supporting candidates the lesser of two evils?

    What do you think, logically, I should infer then about your claim that you’re a logical decision maker?

  • I am voting for Biden as a vote against Trump

    And I’m voting Uncommitted against Trump as well as zionism and genocide being tolerated in the Democratic party.

    You might be ok with Dems being complicit in genocide, I am not and my action reflects that. It doesn’t take a whole lot to get my vote back, just don’t fund genocide. Easy, right?

    You keep mentioning morals after I already told you that my decision is not one based in morals; it’s based in logic.

    And I repeat the question you side-stepped; logically, how would one discourage Democrats from supporting genocide? Remember now, I’m not talking about Republicans, I know that they’re difficult to distinguish these days but I’m asking about Democrats. How, logically, does one stop Democrats from funding genocide and accepting AIPAC money?

  • There are three options, not two.

    It honestly still sounds like cope to me. You’re voting for Biden and the Biden agenda, but somehow think that declaring that you are not supporting him absolves you of enabling him. Take ownership of your actions.

    You’re not being honest with yourself because you like to believe you’re a moral person, but it turns out you are willing to cache in your morals out of fear. Which I guess tracks, cowardice and will lead to cowardly actions.

    Tell yourself what you need to in order to sleep at night, but your unwillingness to truly resist is why the country continues on the track it has been on, why Democrats keep following the GOP to the right.