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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • the “anonymous” surveys everyone knows are totally trustworthy.

    management and HR will swear up and down they are anonymous. Even on web forums… but the reality is you get a really obvious idea of who said what on what teams because management band together to figure out who would have said something based on their attitude, opinions and perspective.

    You can and will be singled out by management for saying negative things. Managers will be required to address the criticism… by choosing strategies behind closed doors, perhaps after having a “group discussion” where they report what they want their boss to hear to their boss, and then tell said boss what the plan is to change to address things is later. It will not be a change that affects the leader except to show they did something worthy of a performance bonus or a promotion though.

    All results that ask for more pay are basically ignored. They know why the departments with high turnover have high turnover. It’s a decision to keep those workers paid less because there’s no value to paying them more. Usually the highest turnover roles are treated like commodities. Sales person with strong ethics? Fired! Sales person caught doing illegal stuff to get sales? Fired! Sales person who gets away with selling doctors on drugs for unapproved indications? Big bonuses!

    The moment the bosses and the owner decided they wanted to get paid more than the workers was the moment any sense of equity vanished.

  • I pay for a single netflix sub, crunchyroll, and a vpn service.

    After netflix announced ads i’ve been more and more considering dumping them and just focusing on that vpn service. I have paid for years and years of streaming services but I can’t possibly comprehend how prices need to go up again and again, almost always by double digit percentage points. The cost of storage and bandwidth goes down over time, servers get cheaper over time… there’s hardly any first party new media that is worth watching so i’m struggling to understand why i’m paying more.

    The most bizarre thing to me though are people who pay for live TV… why in the world would you ever do that in 2024 with all the better options out there?

  • Because the red is largely just a map of poor areas on average.

    Aside from preventative care, Medicare generally doesn’t pay for all medical expenses, just a percentage. When you’re left paying 20% coinsurance for most urgent needs you get saddled with massive debt you can’t climb out of. Medicaid covers more of the gap but is still limited. Private plans more commonly cover 100% after a deductible. Some states like Massachusetts have chosen to expand it further than other states. We’re a bad example for this map though because we have so few counties.

    The entire map could be 0 mean debt if we had true single payer healthcare.

    It’s also interesting seeing how this is a mean, not median. I suspect if median was shown almost all counties would be 0. There’s a lot more stats that could be used to show why the southern states are losing out though.

  • weird, my single mom driving beaters could afford short driving trips (2 hours is short to me.) We did mostly go to a campground that was less than 15 minutes drive away from home though.

    We heavily used food pantries though, literally every single week. No air conditioning, bunny ears on our simple tv, school bus rides to school. We even went a couple years without hot water when our hot water heater broke down just boiling water on the stove.

    Everyone’s experience is different though. Though I was in one of the poorest families in my hometown. None of my aunts, uncles or parents own their own home today and they’re 50s and 60s now. The sacrifices of growing up in a wealthy middle class town will enable me to buy a house. Going to see an open house in 35 minutes!

  • Campgrounds are everywhere and one in under a 2 hour drive is very doable throughout your whole life for a family vacation. You won’t lose access to that.

    Housing costs will swing back. We’re around the point where we were in the last housing market crash. Prices are at the edge of affordability for the middle class. Mortgages are higher than what can be rented. One market course correction and a ton of people lose their houses and the market collapses again.

    They’re doing everything they can to try and stop the collapse but homes are still increasing in price way more quickly than wages. Just a matter of time.

  • People who work full-time jobs used to be middle class. Living wages, affordable housing, yearly vacations, etc.


    Do you call camping in a campground a “family vacation” ? because that’s as far as my family had growing up in a pensioned job. We never could afford air travel, fancy new TVs, new cars… our house was very basic, we always drove beaters, we spent years without one thing or another to make it work.

    This isn’t the current generation, or the last one, this was even earlier.

    Just trying to understand when this idea that anybody in any job could have the white picket fence and world class quality of life was somehow a reality. I don’t think that’s ever been the case for the poorest full time workers or even the bottom 50%.

  • Not disagreeing, I agree there’s little reason why citizens of wealthy nations would come here. I’m just pointing out all the reasons why ‘shithole’ countries want in. Those things don’t really apply to countries that have living wages and good social supports.

    US high wages by and large go to people who already have significant wealth. It’s all funneled upwards. All of the immigrants and the poors here work in indentured servitude to their feudal land lords. Sure slavery is gone but you still have a master who can decide your fate should they choose to… for most of us anyway.

  • Nobody wants to leave livable wages and good social support programs to move to a country that is very, very backwards.

    Denmark’s population (~6m) is smaller than the state of Massachusetts (~7m).

    ~652 million people live in latin america. ~1.4 billion people live in india

    That’s 25% of human population right there and i’m ignoring eastern europe, lots of asia, lots of the middle east…

  • Oh sure, it’s better than the poorest places on earth…

    Way more people live in the poorest places on earth than the US. We’re talking billions. ~652 million people live in latin america. ~1.4 billion people live in india. That’s 25% of human population right there and i’m ignoring eastern europe, lots of asia, lots of the middle east… all of africa (another 1.2 billion)

  • Would you rather have a base income with the associated purchasing power of 30k+ minimum wage (e.g. all those 15/hr minimum states) or would you rather live in a country where the middle class wage is 12k or less.

    Keep in mind:

    • Airfare is the same everywhere. Saving $300 in the US for a flight is practically trivial even at minimum wage compared to earning $1000/mo pretax or less.

    • Electronics cost the same everywhere.

    • Everything imported costs more than the US in those shithole countries because the volume of imports is way less. A $10 container of hair gel in the US costs $30+ in latin american countries.

    • Foreign style food is almost exclusively global american brands and/or incredibly expensive - eating domestically grown and produced foods are typical.

    • Air conditioners are not affordable

    • Electricity is commonly not stable, if it exists

    • Things like public sewer systems are not guaranteed. Septic is common in a lot of places. Even non-well water can be hard to find in many places.

    • There are no things like food pantries in third world countries. In the greater Boston area, food pantries are everywhere and will not turn away a hungry family.

    There’s so many benefits to living here that we overlook completely. We look at social media and wish we were all millionaires. There are people out there making a couple thousand dollars a year and eating “cheap” local food but otherwise living in abject poverty who would do absolutely anything to jump our border to work illegally for less than minimum wage without ever collecting social security benefits or unemployment. That’s why they do.