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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I ate at the first ever Carl’s Jr in Japan right after it opened because it’d been 3 weeks since I’d been home and was dying for some home food

    Walk in and it’s themed after LA and SACRAMENTO (home) of all places, and there was a California expat family eating there so we sat next to them and raced about how the food tasted just like home but s little better

    Then the news can say and interviewed the lady and her son

    Sometimes it’s worth visiting those places lol

  • just that Alec should be held responsible for his role

    Which is fine, but you’ve misattributed what the part he played that makes him guilty is. Had it been any other actor they’d not be guilty, as has already been explained actors cannot reasonably be expected to know they’ve been handed an unsafe weapon by the armorer.

    Baldwin was a producer and directly involved in the hiring process of those on the crew. He hired an incompetent armorer AS WELL as misbehaved on set as a producer leading to an unsafe work environment. Baldwin is guilty no matter who pulled that trigger.

  • That’s nice and you’re very lucky. My PCP told me to schedule an appt with their drugs and mental health department (3 month minimum wait) and that he’d not renew the prescription I’d come to him with.

    Then my next Dr was telehealth and kept warning me I needed to see her in person, but never had an appointment open.

    Then my next Dr was 45 minutes late to every appointment.

    Then my next Dr tried to get me to do IT troubleshooting on my end when he hadn’t joined the fucking Zoom call.