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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 2nd, 2024


  • If the person you’re talking to says you’re defending predators, and the mods remove your comment for defending predators, then you should stop for a second ask yourself, “Self, am I defending predators?”

    How about you screenshot this conversation and send it to five friends and ask their opinion? If I were a betting man I would say you had a flash of a thought that said “this is a bad idea.“ You should explore that feeling.

    Or conversely, send it to them and see what happens.

    Useful enough for you? Later dude. I’m just going to block and move on. I don’t want to read anymore comments from someone who tries to introduce nuance questioning whether or not it’s OK for middle-aged adults to hit on high schoolers.

  • You’re moving the goalposts.

    I never said the DNC wasn’t corrupt or putting their thumb on the scale against Bernie. I am saying that for the head of a transparency first organization, he was particularly choosy except when it fell in line with his politics.

    When your explicit goal is to expose corruption and malfeasance by governments and politicians you’re supposed to do it across-the-board, not just based on your personal whims and preferences.

  • This is pretty heavily slanted in his favor dude. You’re leaving out the part where he picks and chooses what information to release based on his politics, how he had his own state sponsored show in Russia after he fled there, how he never released documents related to the Republican Party, etc. He ran an organization that’s explicit purpose was transparency, not “only being transparent when it fits my politics.“ There are also a lot of questions about how he (mis)handled some of that classified data and potentially put a lot of people in jeopardy.

    US absolutely went overboard in how they went after him. It was shameful. But I think he did some good and some bad and you need to acknowledge a little more of the bad here. People try to make him out to be a saint or a super villain, when the simple reality is he fell somewhere in between at different times. We also can’t overlook the fact that he played a significant role in Trump winning the presidency, which a lot of people are still upset about. (Please people do not write a 10 paragraph essay about how terrible Clinton’s campaign was. That is also true. Two things can be true.)

  • I’m assuming you mean morals.

    That’s about as far as I’m willing to take this conversation. Advocating for cultural relativism to defend a 42-year-old dating a highschooler and then calling me bigoted for not accepting it…I mean that has to be the bravest take I’ve seen in a long time. Indefensible, but brave.

    By the way, I am an American and this guy lives in my society and culture. Please don’t be an intolerant bigot - apparently that falls under your definition, which is bizarre.