• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023

  • LLMs that can spot tumors better than humans can

    Are they though? LLMs specifically? Seems like a very strange use case for an LLM.

    But yeah we’re mostly in accordance, I wanted to riff a little bit because as a long-time tech worker I actually do have some bones to pick with the tech itself. The in-exactitude of its output and the “let the prompter beware” approach to dealing with its obvious inadequacies pisses me off and it seems like the perfect product for the current “test in production” “MVP (minimally viable product)” “pre-order the incomplete version” state software is in generally. The marketing and finance assholes are nearly fully running the show at this point and it’s evident.

    I think the usefulness of this particular technology (LLMs) is very overblown and I found its very early usages more harmful than helpful (i.e. autocorrect/autocomplete is wrong for me more often than it is right). It has decent applicability in some areas (machine translation for instance is pretty good), but the marketing department got hold of it and so now everything is AI this and AI that.

    I think it’s basically just another over-hyped technology that will eventually shake out to be used only where it is useful enough to justify its cost. If the company has to show profits at any point it is either going to go the surveillance capitalism ad route, or it’ll have to increasingly charge more per query than the gibberish it generates is really worth. I don’t see most people paying for ChatGPT long-term so they’ll probably have to enshittify further beyond their current (already kind of shitty) state.

  • Ultimately, the structure of the modern corporation was allowed to take on a lot more complexity due to the advent of computers. So, we have fewer roles where people do full-time work managing inboxes or whatever (though not zero, because that is essentially what my wife still does for work), but more roles have an “inbox management” or other secretarial component to them now.

    In practically every job, it became the case that you’re also a part-time secretary. Assistants became mainly a luxury reserved for fat cats, and the rest of us plebs are buried in emails.

  • The issue people have with AI isn’t the tech.

    I have multiple issues with the tech:

    1. It’s based upon a giant theft and mass violation of copyright laws as well as the licenses of lots of open source software.

    2. It’s ClippyGPT and much of the output is either hallucinations or trite non-sense that sounds like it was cooked up in the most bureaucratic weak-willed corporate boardroom.

    3. Its massive energy footprint to inefficiently solve math equations (for instance) is completely and thoroughly ridiculous.

    4. I don’t want to type bullshit into a chat bot in order to look something up…this is a step below even the absurd modern substitute for documentation of “go watch this 2 hour YouTube video on my development framework”.

    5. “Miniature model” and “fine-tuned model” results could have been much more easily achieved by just having functional site / domain search engines.

    Further about the last point, I feel like the open source part of the industry chased Google until it got to Lucene and then decided that an open source altavista was completely fine and dandy and stopped pursuing the goal of making their own search engines functional. So people had to continue to use Google until now and when Google has enshittified into a crappy, worse AI model for search now all we have left are chat bots that are maybe slightly better than altavista, but frequently spout out inaccurate information that they guess would exist.

  • aesthelete@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldWar never changes
    16 hours ago

    The keyboard warriors instantly became experts on labor negotiations /s, even though they seemingly haven’t had the elementary realization that demands are movable in a negotiation, and you don’t negotiate by saying “oh, I actually make quite enough money compared to poor workers in Alabama with no union representation and I love the current benefits thank you kindly, sir”.

  • Fascists are strange creatures indeed.

    They claim to be all about logic and rationality, but even a little bit of either blows apart their entire worldview.

    “They’re taking all of your jobs” while “they’re lazy and stealing all of the welfare money”.

    “It’s simply the natural order” yet “we need brutal enforcement to keep it in place”.

    “It’s free speech” yet “ban the books, ban the journalism, jail the journalists”.

    “America did not do anything wrong” yet “we cannot teach portions of American history”.

    “War is terrible” yet “we’ll blow them to smithereens”.

    “College education is useless liberal indoctrination” yet “I was incredibly smart which you can tell because I went to Wharton” and “I graduated from Yale”.

    “Thoughts and prayers are all we can offer for shooting victims because bans won’t work” but “let’s ban abortion”.