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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Trump often uses the Royal “we” to confuse. When he does this he’s talking about himself.

    So when he talks about “the last election we ever have” He means the last election HE will have - because he’ll be too old and in jail and unable to run again.

    This is also projection - recall that he urged voters they’ll only need to vote one more time. He 100% will attempt to install himself and his family as permanent dictators if elected and the Supreme Court will let him do it. Don’t believe he won’t and don’t believe Republican lawmakers aren’t craven enough to facilitate this. He looks up to Putin and Kim Jong-Un because he thinks they have a sweet deal as dictators for life.

  • I don’t put in effort to the extent that it bothers me about it. If it’s convenient sure. If not oh well next time.

    One of our friends used to get all bent out of shape because she would prepare all of this food for a party and no one would eat it. I was like girl, stop preparing food then if it’s making you upset. If people get hungry we’ll order pizza.

    Sometimes the things you think people will be into are not the things people want to do.

    Scale back. Neuroboring people don’t put as much effort into coworkers and social connections as much as I think ADHD brains do because I don’t think they think about it that hard. I learned this when I invited coworkers to my wedding and 2 showed up for like an hour - and I’m pretty sure one of them dragged the other.

    People with kids are super flaky too.

    I’m just saying yeah you aren’t the priority to these people. Find people who will make you the priority. Keep looking. These connections happen slowly and change over time.

  • It sounds like you might not know the people who bailed enough to invest that much emotionally into them.

    If you thought you did and now you’re not sure then it sounds like you can now have some clarity that they might not be as close to you as you feel to them. Time to pause and question why you’re putting emotional energy into people who aren’t invested.

    I’ve been working on this a lot myself. I kind of realized that I was investing a lot of time and energy into friends who live a 5 hour drive away and it’s really convenient for them to have me always drive there. On the flip side none of them have ever made the drive to come visit me. So instead of rearranging my whole life to make a weekend work with them and expending great energy and effort to do so, I started bowing out more often. It’s been better for my peace. Love my friends but I don’t have to run myself ragged visiting all the time because they certainly aren’t doing that.

    I put together a huge birthday party for my sister including this whole group. My birthday came around? No one did anything for me and they were all busy, even my sister. That’s fine, it’s telling me I don’t need to make the effort in the future.

  • If you’re planning on sinking much money, time, and effort into an event it’s best to do formal invitations with RRSPs.

    It’s really hard to organize something for a lot of people to participate in and requires a lot of communication and reminders.

    I think you discovered who your true close friends are and now you can scale back and not let the rest of them (the bailers) in on your cool life. Something I’ve had to deal with but is better in the long run.

  • Good conversation on the topic here

    Basically, it is becoming more common in English writing to use the masculine “hero” as gender neutral when the figure is a famous and/or historical figure.

    If it is a fictional character, “heroine” is still widely used.

    There’s been a wider trend of using gender neutral terms in the language. “They” as a replacement for “he” or “she”, for example, used to be improper but is now quite widely accepted and not only when speaking about a non-binary person.