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Joined 14 days ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024


  • I’ll give you a genuine answer because I assume you’re actually being serious.

    I’ll dissect 3 of their policies at random that I already listed above to demonstrate just how of touch these people are. Just an FYI, they have a few more ridiculous policies that I didn’t include because my list was starting to get too long, but I just wanted point this out nonetheless. Anyways, let’s get on to the policies:

    Abolish NATO

    Why exactly? In what way does this move benefit the United States? Do these idiots even understand what country they’re running to govern? NATO is an American led organization that has served as the backbone of American-European bilateral cooperation and one of the most fundamental pieces to American foreign policy for decades. Not only does NATO guarantee American security and the security of our most important allies, but it also serves as one of the biggest pillars of American soft and hard power. Rouge regimes like Iran and Russia know better than to mess with our European allies in NATO because they the presence of the US military and it’s might acts as a deterrent. NATO is the symbol of Western unity, it is a stabilizing force in Europe, it is what’s keeping Europe largely peaceful.

    Not to mention that NATO’s explicit purpose of defending Europe from Russian aggression is more relevant than ever because Russia has literally invaded Ukraine, the second largest European country, right now in the largest land war in Europe since WWII. It’s a blatant act of unprovoked aggression and imperial conquest. Putin along with his cronies have publicly threatened other countries such as Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, Moldova, Latvia, etc with invasion and have threatened other countries such as the UK and Germany with nukes. This is on top of Russia already invading Ukraine in 2014 and annexing Crimea, invading Georgia in 2008 and creating two puppet states in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, illegally turning Belarus into a puppet dictatorship, illegally occupying parts of Moldova in the form of Transnistria, starting the war in Donbass, annexing all of southern Ukraine in their current invasion, spending billions annually on propaganda and misinformation campaigns to destabilize the West, sending in assassins to take out targets in the West, constantly launching cyberattacks on our infrastructure, bolstering our enemies like Iran and North Korea, and the list goes on and on.

    Why the fuck should we put ourselves and our allies at risk, appease a ruthless dictator, and destroy all of the alliances and good we’ve made? How does abolishing NATO serve our national interests? Calling this idiotic is too generous for what it is.

    Cancel all debt

    No debt? Yay! But what does that mean exactly? See, if the policy here is to cancel specific types of debt, then you could excuse it. If it is promoting a welfare program that provides relief to people, then you could make an arguement for it… but no, on their official platform they just straight up claim that all debt should be cancelled.

    Let’s think about this from a logical point of view for a second. This country has a lot of debt whether it’s public, corporate, or individual… how exactly would cancel it? Is their plan to print money to pay off all of the debt? That’s a one way ticket to inflation. Are they planning to ban loans? That’s another way to screw over the economy, especially poor people. Are they perhaps planning to just to write a statement saying that all debt is hereby void and expect that to actually work? It’s really baffling.

    Let’s suppose, they manage to actually do it, are new loans going to be allowed? If not, how are they going to prevent the banks from collapsing? Banks literally run on loans, that’s how they work. If the banks collapse, so does everything that uses them, which basically means that the US economy will crash and burn. Is this their genius plan? Is the grand socialist idea to collapse the American economy and plunge the world economy into absolute chaos? I shudder at the thought of how many people will fall into poverty or famine because of this.

    The thing that pisses me off about this is that they don’t even bother to explain their reasoning. If you’re going to do something this big and stupid then at least have the decency to explain it to your voters. Explain why debt is bad and how you’re going to cancel it. Keeping it this vague and sweet sounding when the consequences are so devastating just reeks of malicious intentions.

    Seizing the 100 biggest corporations in the country

    Socialists have this completely out of touch view that if a government seizes large swaths of the economy, it’ll run exactly the same except the public will reap all the benefits… that’s just WRONG! That’s not how it works. We’ve seen time and time again throughout history that planned economies ALWAYS result in failure. The government is way too inefficient, way too slow, way too rigid, and is prone to making poor decisions. This is the actual reason why socialism is a failure as an economic system. All it does is give the government way too much power, which inevitably corrupts it and turns it authoritarian. Unless the government sanctions it’s own corporations that run the same way as private corporations, it’s just not going to work. Do you know what does work? The free market.

    Let’s sit here for a second and think about how America became so wealthy and developed. All this wealth didn’t teleport here from another dimension, no it was created by the free market. It’s been shown time and time again that when you give people agency and freedom to run their own livelihoods, they will do so better than anyone else. Private economies are constantly more productive, more efficient, more resilient, more dynamic, and more wealthy. You clearly see this contrast throughout in history. Take for example the backwards hellhole that was the East Germany and the thriving hub that was West Germany or the closest thing to hell on earth in Maoist China compared the booming China of the 2000s or the starving authoritarian pit known as the Soviet Union and the prosperous United States. There’s hundreds of examples like this, you get the idea. Capitalism works, and economic freedom is a proven method to generate wealth and prosperity.

    Is our current economy flawed? Yes, it is. It has a lot of problems that range in severity and scale. However, the solution is to vote in principled politicians who will reform the system to add pragmatic regulations, incentives, and policies to more effectively run the economy to keep it sustainable, accountable, and working to the benefit of the people. The last thing we need is for economically illiterate people stuck to a failed ideology trying to use government power to seize a swath of the economy that will inevitably lead to unprecedented authoritarianism, collapse of the global economy, and money to flee the country in droves.

    Literally all of their policies are this nonsensical. Every. Single. One. Just the slightest bit of criticism is enough to expose their positions for being nothing more than meaningless drivel.

    Here’s the thing, politics as a concept is about how best run a government. You can’t run a country on fantasies and outlandish ideals. You NEED to have pragmatism or otherwise you’re going to risk collapse. The big issue with both Trump, and to a lesser extent, Biden is that they’re both out of touch with reality. So much so that they’re widely regarded as the two worst candidates in American history. Even though they’re old and senile, they still at least try in some half assed way to be realistic with their positions. Claudia De la Cruz, Karina Garcia, and all these other clowns are so batshit crazy, so deranged, and so out of touch with reality that they make Biden and fucking Trump look sane in comparison.

    People who support Marxism in 2024 are victims of propaganda from a bygone era. Marxism is no more, it’s a failed ideology. It has been tried dozens of times across time, culture, and land and it has collapsed every single time. The only thing it has to show for it is tyrannical regimes, famines, and widespread poverty. The ideology has a track record that’s on par, or arguably worse, than fascism. The era of Marxism is gone and it’s not coming back. The ideals of the Soviet bloc were never good, but now they’re just irrelevant. It’s time to move on.

    I understand that it’s hard to vote for either Trump or Biden, but this? This is even worse. Marxism and this clown party aren’t genuine alternative and never will be. There’s appetite for a new political, economic, and social system not just in the US, but around the globe. With the impending large scale population collapses and shrinking demographics world wide, we will be forced to either work with we got to stay afloat or come up with an entirely new system. If we do innovate a new system it has to be created in the context of this era. It has to be made by people of this era to address issues of this era with solutions designed for this era. Will that be UBI and AI? Who knows. But what I do know is that Marxism definitely doesn’t have a place in the modern world anymore.

  • Yea, not interested in a culture war.

    Lol you’re the one virtue signaling and trying this into something it’s not. I’m giving you actual data backed points about a measurable problem and pointing out how you’re making it worse.

    I wrote multiple times that the perpetrators here should have the book thrown at them. Existing hate crime laws are sufficient for that.

    And I very explicitly wrote mutliple times, that you’re master plan is idiotic because it doesn’t actually address the root cause of the problem. Clearly, the current hate crime laws don’t mean shit when these types of incidents are happening and in increasing frequency, not to mention the criminals got away because the cops didn’t do shit.

    And to cut to the chase, all your long tirade amounts to what exactly? Practically, in practice, in terms of actual policies that you want to see enacted, what are actually you advocating for, what do you want done?

    Brief list of common sense policies:

    • Ban all foreign funding to religious institutions within the country
    • Deport any non citizen residing in the country immediately if they committed a serious crime
    • Increase integration and assimilation programs for migrants
    • Change the national narrative about diversity from a mosaic to something more successful like a melting pot
    • Make it policy for the local police department to explicitly stand in solidarity of the victims in publicly circulated cases like this
    • Require secularism and liberal values to be taught at all religious views
    • Ban gender segregation at all educational institutions
    • Explicitly iterate that blasphemy and criticism of islam and other religions is NOT a hate crime, but a fundamental part of free speech
    • Establish a system to make it easier for children and women to more easily report domestic violence and abuse at home and quickly receive help, and add support in languages where islam and other radical religions are more prominent
    • Establish a quickly accessible and reliable system to tip authorities about extremism that may lead to violence

    Literally any of this beats your master plan of doing nothing to address the issue at a societal level and putting your head in the sand.

    Because we can argue about whether 1 billion Muslims, 2 million of them in Canada are bad people or not until next spring, but ultimately it comes down to good or bad policy. Say your piece.

    If this all your two brain cells managed to get out of what I said then I think I can understand why you’re position is the way it is, and I have no interest in wasting my time any further.

  • The term AI is very vague because intelligence is an inherently subjective concept. If we’re defining AI as something that has consciousness then it doesn’t exist, but if we’re defining it as a task that a computer can do on it’s own, then virtually everything that is automated is run by AI.

    Even with generative AI models, they’ve been around for a while too. For example, lot of the news articles you read, especially about the weather or news aren’t written by actual people, they’re AI generated. Another example would be scientific simulations, they use AI to generate a bunch of possible scenarios based on given parameters. Yet another example would be the gaming industry, what do you think generates Minecraft worlds? The point here is that AI has been around for awhile and is already being used everywhere. What we’re seeing with chatGPT and these other new models is that these models are now being released for public access. It’s like democratization of AI, and a lot of good and bad things are bound to come of it. We’re at the infancy stage of this now, but just like with the world wide web before it, these technologies are going to fundamentally change how we do many things from now on.

    We can’t fight technology, that’s a losing battle. These AIs are here and they’re here to stay. So strap on and enjoy the ride.

  • Being a Marxist in 2024 is clown shit as it is, but voting for Marxist-Leninist party in America is just baffling. The cherry on top is that the clown you’re planning to vote for has some mighty interesting policy proposals including:

    • Seizing the 100 biggest corporations in the country
    • Seize the agricultural and energy industries
    • Repurpose the energy industry to generate exclusively renewable energy
    • Expand the transportation system with all an electric fleet while no autoworker loses their job and millions of new, good paying jobs are going to be created
    • Expand affirmative action discrimination
    • Use the assets of the seized top 100 corporations as reparations for black people
    • Cut the military budget by 90%
    • Abolish NATO
    • Support Russia against Ukraine and China against Taiwan
    • Abolish AFRICOM specifically for some reason
    • Abolish the CIA, NSA, and FBI
    • Abolish the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Federal Reserve
    • Expose all of the America’s state secrets
    • End all American sanctions on dictatorships such as Russia, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, etc
    • Help aid the destruction of Israel
    • Going on purges to lock up the “corrupt elite”
    • Cancel all debt
    • Eliminate inflation with an “across the board price freeze”
    • Ban evictions and cap rent at 10% of income
    • Tax all income and assets over 10 million over 100%
    • Ban ownership of overseas assets

    It’s like a bad joke, except nobody is laughing. The fact that there are people out there who are so mind numbingly ignorant of economics, government, social politics, history, and geopolitics that they actually think this brain damaged list of policies is a good idea is just sad. Claudia de la Cruz is so bad that she is unironically worse than Trump, and you have to try really, really hard to be worse than Trump. Literally a turd is better than Trump, so for her to be worse is just… wow. Do better, come on.

  • I went to a gay Muslim wedding a few years back.

    I hate to break it to you, but there’s no such thing as a gay muslim. The religion is pretty explicit about homosexuality not being accepted. If you’re gay then muslims don’t view you as one of their own if you claim you are one. The polls pretty heavily back this notion.

    Blaming religion for making people assholes robs them of their agency, letting them off the hook for being assholes organically and allowing the institution to shoulder the blame.

    They’re not being assholes organically. They hate gays because their religions instructs them to hate gays. Your ignorance on islam doesn’t change the fact that islam is what drove these parasites to beat up these girls. Homophobia in islam runs really deep. The faster we address, the less of these instances we’ll have in the future. The more you rush to defend islam, the more people will end up being victims of such attacks.

  • If you condemn and criticize the individuals you would be right: these are vile people who acted out extremist hateful sexist violence. They suck, they should be arrested, tried and have the book thrown at them because their actions are disgusting.

    This is what happens when you start sacrificing common sense in favor ideological dogma. See, sometimes issues go beyond individuals. When we see patterns emerging, we have to address the issues as societal problems. When you have one person burning down buildings you have horrid individual, when you have 1000 it’s a societal crises. While we have to criticize the individuals and hold them accountable for their actions, we also have to address the reasons why this is a trend to begin with so we can take steps to actually fix the issue.

    You can’t do this red herring where you ignore the trends and the big picture and just have tunnel vision on the one instance. This is what conservatives try to do whenever there’s a school shooting. They’ll do everything but admit that guns are the problem. What you’re doing right now is the same as a conservative going “it’s not the guns, it’s mental health”, “you can’t say it’s guns because there are good gun owners”, or “why don’t we ban cars”. Come on dude, at least try to have a honest conversation about this.

    Canadians as a whole are not violent islamophobes because some idiot shot up a mosque. Canadian culture is not vile and antisemitic because some other idiot shot up a Jewish school. The Christian religion as a whole is not antidemocratic just because some US evangelical trumpists did the January 6th thing. Same principle applies to Syrians or Muslims as a whole.

    Are you really trying to virtue signal to me the ol’ classic “not all muslims”? At this point you have to be disingenuous. No shit, nobody is implying otherwise. You’re just trying to find every excuse to defend islam and homophobic cultures. No, criticizing a culture or religion is NOT accusing every single individual of that culture or religion of being whatever is criticized. If we follow your own line of logic then criticizing homophobia in the US makes you a bigot because not all Americans are homophobes… Not only is this stating the obvious which nobody is contesting, but it serves no purpose other than to distract and detract from the points being made.

    And no, the “aspects” caveat doesn’t work. We didn’t have a moral panic about antidemocratic aspects of Christianity because of Jan 6th.

    Wtf are you even talking about? We literally did. Not necessarily about Jan 6th because that wasn’t religiously driven, but we have moral panics about Christianity every other month. From book bans to abortion rights to erosion of church and state to whatever. We regularly criticize Christianity for it’s questionable teachings and culture… that’s why it’s presence has weakened so much over the years. Why is it so hard for you to be consistent and apply the same principles to other religions like islam?

    But it seems the far right loves to stir panic about “aspects” of Islam or brown people all the fucking time.

    Have you ever wondered why the cops didn’t actually do anything to stop the criminals here? How about the many other instances like it in Canada or the UK or Sweden or whatever? It’s because they’re scared of being called racist. This isn’t me making things up, this is an actual thing. Here’s the most famous example from the UK:




    Over there they have these massive muslim gangs all over the country that have been systematically young girls for DECADES. The most infamous of these gangs happened in the city of Rotherham where the muslim gang raped over 1400 children for over 30 fucking years. The cops barely did anything about any of it because they were terrified of being called racist. Why? Because every time they try do something morons like you crawl out of the woodworks to call them racist form mobs, berate them, and jeopardize their jobs.

    It’s not just the cops, the victims were shunned into silence too. Not by the criminals, but by the supposed “progressive” Labor politicians. For example, this ghoul publicly liked and retweeted a tweet that stated the following:

    “Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity.”


    The worst part is that when you actually hear the stories of the victims, it is the most gut wrenching thing. You have little girls going home from school only to get kidnapped, beaten, and raped repeatedly. Some of the girls even got pregnant and gave birth to babies they were forced to have. Just when these young girls needed the human rights activists, the feminists, the progressives, the police, the politicians, the justice system by their side… they were abandoned by all them. These people either did nothing to not offend the mob or outright defended the criminals. Everything here is a part of the infamous Rotherham child abuse ring:


    However, it should be noted that the raping is still going on today in that same city. It should also be known that Rotherham is NOT the only city. There’s literally dozens of other examples of the same exact thing happening:


    It’s not just the politicians either, the muslims leaders in the city were fully aware of the rapes and they went out of their way to cover them up:


    The reason why I brought all of this up is to demonstrate how this IS about culture and religion, how it IS a societal issue, how it IS something that goes beyond individuals. Those girls are all humans who had their childhoods robbed from them, some of them might never recover. It’s truly is sad. What’s worse, is that the same issues that prevented the Rotherham case from being brought to light are happening again and again. All of this could have been prevented if people like you stopped this virtue signaling crusade and actually held a set of principles for once. Can you imagine if all the groups I previously mentioned in the UK stuck by their values, called out the problematic aspects of islam and homophobic cultures right away, held the homophobes accountable for their hate, and actually stood by the victims immediately? Perhaps thousands of those girls wouldn’t have ended up as statistics for this ongoing tragedy.

    These lesbian girls are the same. They went through something that’s truly horrid, and instead of the LGBT groups, progressives, cops, and so many other supposed allies coming to their rescue… they all instead rushed to victim blame and defend the criminals. These girls aren’t the only LGBT victims in Canada to these types of incidents. Why? Why are we letting people live in fear like this? Why are we not defending the victims? Why are we not calling the vile aspects of islam and islamic cultures? Why are we not deporting these criminals? How many more victims do there need to be? How many more attacks? How many more traumatized souls? What I am saying is so well documented and there are so many examples, that I could give you as many sources and examples as you could possible want. I just want to understand what it will take for you to actually come to your senses and admit that maybe, just maybe, there is a problem with islam, there is a problem with homophobia form islamic cultures, that maybe we need to address it as a society?

    You want to talk about “aspects” without being a useful idiot for the far right? Raise voices from within that community, who will know exactly how to walk that fine line.

    Just an FYI, I actually lived in Syria (I lived in a suburb of Damascus called Jaramana from 2006-2009). There’s literally no way you know more about this than me. You’re trying to lecture from a place of ignorance. I’m 100% certain you have no idea what a sahih hadith is or what verse 4:34 says in the quran or what a fatwa is without looking them (which you should). Seriously, you know absolutely nothing about islam, islamic cultures, how muslims view homosexuality, or anything really. The image you have of islam is not based in reality.

  • They’re not really comparable. Crypto and blockchain were good solutions looking for problems to solve. They’re innovative and cool? Sure, but they never had a widescale use. AI has been around for awhile, it just got recently rebranded as artificial intellectual, the same technologies were called algorithms a few years ago… And they basically run the internet and the global economy. Hospitals, schools, corporations, governments, the militaries, etc all use them. Maybe certain uses of AI are dumb, but trying to pretend that the thing as a whole doesn’t have, or rather already has, genuine uses is just dumb

  • I’m a first gen immigrants to the US from Iraq. Immigrants should 100% face consequences for their actions. Immigration is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. People who chose to move to Canada or whatever country have to respect the laws, culture, and customs of the country they’re moving to. If they’re not willing to assimilate or integrate then you get stuff like this. These types of attacks aren’t normal and we shouldn’t normalize them like you’re doing here by trying to coddle these people or give them special treatment because of their backgrounds. If their hateful because their culture or religion is hateful then we have to call them and take steps to ensure that we don’t have that hate spread here. If an immigrant commits a heinous crime, like these homophobes did, and they don’t have citizenship then they HAVE TO get deported. Otherwise there’s no law, order, justice, or accountability. Basically countries like Canada would be no more.