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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Someone made a brick-built variant of this for a 48x48 baseplate using parts salvaged from the Starwars set 75334.

    These sets were allegedly terrible and were being sold on clearance everywhere. They had some cool minifigs so people were offloading the bricks only on eBay for cents-in-the-dollar.

    I now have two nice craterscapes for my Galaxy Explorer 10497.

    Obligatory favourite brick; classic castle wall with cobbled window 4444p01.

    Obligatory least-favourite brick; classic corner piece 4737. It was held by one stud top and bottoms and made for really unstable models.

  • The consequences will that their record profits since COVID-19 will dry up and they will need to figure out other ways of cutting expenses.

    They will crash like they did in the 1980s and rationalise their business model by selling off their smaller branches. IGA will suddenly have a lot more members, Foodworks will be much bigger and Tuckerbag may even make a comeback.

    The problem is that they have overcapitalised. Near us, we have two very large Woolworths within walking distance from each other. Two suburbs over, it is the same with two very large Coles’s.

  • The only reason why Dutto is pushing Nuclear as an option is because he is a crony.

    Wind power generation has a barrier to entry, but it is much lower than Coal or Fracking, which is why there is so much corporate-sponsored astroturfing against it. Coal and Fracking also has a lower barrier to entry, but is cheap compared to Nuclear.

    Solar is the great equaliser. Anyone can throw a handful of solar panels on their roof, connect them to an array of old car batteries and add an inverter and voila! Instant home power generation. Get out from under of the boot of Power Companies and be self-sufficient (as long as you don’t want to use a hair-dryer).

    If the proles can get of free energy and no longer need to rely on The Grid, all of the Corporations that own Dutto will no longer have any political power.

    Dutto is not offering Nuclear as an alternative to Coal and LNG to the electorate, he is offering it as an alternative to his lords and masters.