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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • I’m suggesting you invest in reading a book on https://www.LeanPub.com called “Algebra-Driven Design”.

    the reason I’m suggesting it is that the complex-requirements you’re being persecuted-by, are exactly the sort of thing that that book can help with.

    ( I’m presuming you code )

    By creating the domain’s algebra, & using meta-programming, you can prevent whole categories of bugs.

    I only got part-way into the book ( I’m braindamaged, & have beenfailing to learn programming since the 1980’s, when I lost 1/10th of my brain-volume ), but being able to create an APi with ZERO bugs in it, is part of what I’d seen in that book.

    I’m a huge believer in keeping requirements divided into dimensions, & keeping those dimensions orthogonal, because once you fail in doing that, you’re fscking doomed.

    Here: got the link for you:


    _ /\ _

  • To the best of my knowledge, back-propagation IS learning, whether it’s happening in a neural-net on a chip, or whether we’re doing it, through feedback, & altering our understanding ( so both hard-logic & our wetware use the method for learning, though we use a rather sloppy implimentation of it. )

    & altering the relative-significances of concepts IS learning.

    ( I’m not commenting on whether the new-relation-between-those-concepts is wrong or right, only on the mechanism )

    so, I can’t understand your position.

    Please don’t deem my comment worthy of answering: I’m only putting this here for the record, is all.

    Everybody can downvote my comment into oblivion, & everything in the world’ll still be fine.

    1. insightful question,

    2. it isnt just the internet, in case you hadn’t noticed, it is ALL civil-rights that are being gutted, in the enshittocene.

    “once the infection has moved the ‘fulcrum’, the balance between the involuntary-host & the infection, far enough, it can then switch from symbiosis to totalitarian rampaging growth-at-any-cost, excluding-all-vital-functions, enforcing its parasitic & fatal consumption, killing the patient”

    A tipping-point is being crossed, though it’s taking a few decades ( planets are slower than individual-animals, in experiencing infection ).

    It’s our rendition of The Great Filter, in-which we enforce that we can’t be viable, because factional-ideology “needs” that we break all viability from the world.

    Or, to be plainer, it is our race’s unconscious toddler setting-up a world-breaking tantrum, to “BREAK GOD AND MAKE GOD OBEY” its won’t-grow-up.

    Read Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow”, & see how the imprint->reaction mind, Kahneman1 ( he calls it “System 1”, but without context, that’s meaningless ) substitutes easy-to-answer questions for the actual questions…

    The more you read that book, the most important psychology book in the whole world, right now, the more obvious it is that Ideology/prejudice/assumption-river/religion/dogma is doing all it can to break considered-reasoning ( Kahneman2 ) from the whole world, and it is succeeding/winning.

    “Proletariat dictatorship” the Leninists want, “populist dictatorship” the fascists want, religious totalitarianism, political totalitarianism, ideological totalitarianism, etc, it’s all Kahneman1 fighting to break considered-reasoning from the whole world, and the “disappearing” of all comments criticizing Threads from the Threads portion of the internet … is perfectly normal.

    It’s simply highjacking of our entire civilization, by the systems which want exclusive dominion.

    Have you checked your youtube account’s settings section, in the history section, to see what percentage of your comments have been disappeared??

    Do it.

    Everybody do it.

    Discover how huge a percentage of your contribution to the “community” got disappeared, because it wasn’t what their algorithm finds usefully-sensationalistic, or usefully-pushing-whatever-they-find-acceptable.

    I spent a few hours deleting ALL my comments from there, after seeing that around 1/2 of what I’d contributed had been disappeared.

    There are a few comments now, but … they’ll be removed, either by yt or by me, soon.

    No point in pretending that meaning is tolerable, anymore, you know?

    Only fakery & hustle remains, for most of the internet, & that transformation’s going to be complete, in a few years.

    1984, but for-profit.

    Sorry for the … dim … view, but it’s been unfolding for a couple decades, & it’s getting blatent, fast.

  • Anybody who wants to understand literature, you NEED to read John Truby’s 2 books ( which absolutely-obsolete Campbell’s “Hero With A Thousand Faces”, and oceans of other such books )

    • “The Anatomy of Genres”
    • “The Anatomy of Story”

    IF you don’t understand the huge amount of stuff in them, THEN you don’t understand literature.

    There are niggles: he thinks “village” means Wild West village, I think “village” means Tribal Village, as somewhere between 0.5 & 2 million years of history indicate, but such things are minor, compared with what he got right.

    There is other stuff, ie things specific to languages/cultures that English cannot represent, e.g…

    But those 14 Genres, those are the templates we form our mind on.

    Please give yourself a huge gift, & read 'em.

    Anybody wanting an equivalent for presentations, then Weissman’s “Presenting to Win” is the equivalently-spectacular one,

    & anybody wanting an equivalent for editing, Coyne’s “The Story Grid” is the one.

    https://www.TVTropes.org is also a required resource for understanding literature, though it is limitless & easy to lose days/years in…

    _ /\ _

  • My comment isn’t on your script, it is on paper-selection…

    Please have several, orthogonal, selection-systems:

    • most-cited,

    • most trustworthy researchers

    • most unique area of research, or most unique question, or something

    • most central to new tech

    • most central to old tech

    • most undernoticed, big potential… ( things that should be big news, but the global novelty-addiction ignores it )

    • best fundamental science ( definitely include this category! )

    • best citizen-science


    iow, the algorithm that most use, which is “paying attention to what others are paying attention to” is an algorithm we shouldn’t be assigning our viability to, you know?

    Also, you may need to make a flexible-limit for dumbing-down, as some papers may have a higher limit and others a lower limit, so some could be easy for most to get the sense of, but some might be tricky … and it might well do more good to let them have their different thresholds, see?


    • they said that it shows the emission of electromagnetic energy has the same cause, but didn’t explain what that cause is…

    • they said that magnetars don’t emit energy all the time, so we had to catch them when they did emit: that is false: we have to catch them when they’re emitting at us, which is a very-different frame-of-reference.

    Also, if the things are neutron-stars, then how the hell can they even have any electromagnetic field?

    Neutrons are neutral.

    It must be a crust of non-neutron protons & electrons, or the plasma swirling in, or something, that’s producing the electromagnetic field…

    No need to bother commenting on anything I say:

    just random thoughs flitting through a deteriorating old brain…

  • it is called “establishing ownership”.

    Once their identity is consolidated that way,

    then they can enforce their certain-in-their-own-unconscious ownership of Asia, through any violence necessary.

    You can see equivalent self-dishonesty in the West, & you can see it in Modi’s delusion that Russia is going to help them against China, even through Russia is financially now a vassal-state of China…

    Once the economy guts the Democrats in the US, losing them the 2024 election, & Trump guts NATO, backs Russia & Saudi Arabia,

    what is going to protect Asia from China’s smashing it like they did Tibet?

    7 years from Trump’s coronation ( in 2025 ) is all Asia has left, it seems.

    Establishing ownership is fundamental to bullying, btw: rodents do it, sneaking into places at night, so that they feel righteous when fighting for “their” new territory during the day…

    I hadn’t understood that bullying had both a yin/molesting/violating phase & a yang/overt-bullying phase until rodents taught me how it’s done…

    The governments who push privacy-violating laws & systems, then later stomp civil-rights, they are demonstrating exactly the same Pattern.

    The religions who push for “some” control of everybody’s life, relentlessly pushing for “a little more” authority, then once a tipping-point is crossed, suddenly they can switch from yin-bullying to yang-bullying … same thing.

    It’s a really common pattern throughout human history, lately…

  • I’ve become of 2 minds about leather footwear & gloves:

    The primary alternative to leather is plastic, which, when it breaks-down, sabotages the food-web, right?

    Leather doesn’t do that.

    I honestly don’t know what The Right Answer™ is, on that one, anymore.

    I’m usually vegan, btw, not for ideological/religious reasons, but simply because doing otherwise blocks my ability to reach the meditations I need.

    I do find butchering animal lives for a mere few-meals unethical, but refugee Buddhist monk Kelsang Gyatso pointed-out in one of his books, IF a person has anemia, THEN the right antidote is eating red meat.

    He’s ordained, a Geshe, and he is recommending that right in his dharma.

    Years-enduring clothing is a much less desolating consumption than needless meat-eating.

    Exactly as that brilliant psychological truth in the Christian bible shows, naive truth, aka symbolic “truth”, is syrupy-sweet in one’s face/mouth, whereas digested & real, experience-induced-understanding Truth, is bitter.

    See for yourself:

    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation 10%3A8-10&version=CJB