
if you devalue trans people in any way, including nb people, please block me

I respectfully request that you not refer to me using slurs

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I was in the same situation. I started to walk and longboard every day and track my calories without exception.

    Eventually, you can see changes and it becomes easier over time, but oh boy I never shame anyone for their body size, because it’s hella hard, and if you’re coping with other problems like depression or addiction, it’s gotta feel damn near impossible.

  • I left beehaw because I was being targeted by a user using gaslighting and lies.

    When I responded to this user (I will admit, too strongly), the mods removed my comments, but left his initial lies and gaslighting up, even though I had reported them (and even messaged one of the admins directly – it was actually a beehaw admin’s actions against my comments.) To be clear, I understood the removal of my comments, but I did not understand why the user’s lies and rudeness against me still remained.

    I mentioned tumblr because it was where the information I was sharing had initiated, and I encouraged people to take the discussion there, since a productive discussion was no longer possible here. I never said I was moving there myself.

    I then removed the rest of my comments and posts on beehaw.

    I was already on tumblr, so I didn’t “move from” Beehaw to there. I was also already on this account, so nor did I move here – I was already here all along, where I’ve had no similar problems.

  • The part about EXIF data is true, but they’re very upfront about this, and they have a sticky post informing people about this and instructing them how to remove the EXIF data themselves. My take is that it’s just a limitation of the site design, it’s good that they inform people upfront, and removing EXIF data a useful thing for people to learn how to do regardless.

    As far as privacy is concerned, I’d say that yeah – they’re very pro-privacy. You can still connect with people, though. I’ve met some people on raddle who I’ve actually chatted with off site. So I wouldn’t say it’s anything more than the privacy culture here.

    The one thing that sometimes turns people away from raddle is that people on the site tend to have very well-read and carefully formed opinions, and they can sometimes come off as being aggressive and confrontative. But even the people who may come across like that at first are actually very empathetic, once you spend more time there and observe how they interact.

    I’ll just say this: I’ve personally not seen anything on raddle that would turn me away from using the site, and I’ve been there off and on since leaving reddit in June.

  • I’m referring to people who shield the current president from criticism of his genocidal practices by arguing that if we talk about these deeply disturbing things he’s supporting and doing, it will somehow hurt his chances in the next election. Literally no consideration or empathy for the people being harmed by his actions – just “well, he needs to win the next election.” Extremely deranged.

    If the people are saying do X, the leader should do X despite his personal preference

    No. If the people are calling for genocidal or colonial practices, then no. You are using the same logic people would use to defend the anti-trans and anti-POC laws my own state has passed. The majority here may support them, but this does not mean they are immune to criticism, nor should they be. It’s really anti-human and anti-progress to think otherwise.

    Edit: I want people to really read this user’s comments to me right here. This right here is the brainrot that privileged liberals bring to the table. Absolutely appalling behavior by this person.

    Also, imagine thinking the only choices are tyranny of the majority or authoritarianism. Brain. Rot.

  • This was a good read, thanks. I’ve known so many people who have separated from their parents, and every single one of them has a good reason. I’ve often wondered how the parents tell it from their side. I’m sure every single one of them was “loving” and “nurturing” by their own account, even the dad who couldn’t accept that his son was gay, or the parents who perpetually and deliberately misgendered their daughter. I’ve known so many such cases, and sadly some have ended in tragedy.

    Me, I’ve had good parents, but I have a brother who’s an abusive asshole who I want nothing to do with, and occassionally I get the “he’s your brother, you’ve got to love him” schtick from third parties. No. I really don’t.

    No one is obligated to stay connected with family who are hurtful, especially when it’s the parents who were the ones who chose to bring you into this world. It’s massively unfair for people to expect that we just tolerate, even love, abusive family.

  • LinkOpensChest.wav@lemmy.onetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldSpoderman
    7 months ago

    Here’s another thing you do that really pushes people away: No one said a damn thing about voting Trump, or DeSantis, or anyone else.

    In fact, I don’t think I even mentioned voting at all.

    Who’s president right now? Let’s talk about him. We need to be able to demand he cease his genocidal actions without having people like you constantly deflecting criticism with this pointless whataboutism. It’s as pointless as it is exhausting.

  • You know what else is a right-wing thing? Completely misrepresenting someone’s words. I didn’t say what you quoted, nor did I allude to it.

    Thinking we’re supposed to be satisfied with a right-wing neoliberal president who open supports and bolsters genocidal and colonial practices because there is worse opposition, or treating humans like pawns in some sick tactical election game while people suffer under Biden’s leadership-- these are objectively damaging and privileged positions to take.

    If your response to someone criticizing the president for his genocidal practices is to become defensive and say “tEh RePuBlIcAnS aRe WoRsE!!!1!!” then you’ve got a fucking problem.

    Edit: Besides, the Democrats are a right-wing party