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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • Note I started this convo by saying that not putting the cart back is a dick move. So I’m not really sure how I’m being a hypocrite here? My whole point was that just because someone chooses to occasionally be selfish, does not mean they are incapable of self governing, people have different priorities, and there are FAR more impactful things I can spend my limited energy on than whether or not I put a cart back (Which I usually do btw, like I agreed at the start, its a dick move not to). That being said, arguing with people on lemmy isnt really a high impact use of my energy either xD

  • Look man, you can occasionally be selfish or lazy without immediately being an absolute drain on society. Is not putting the cart back ultimately a dick move? Yeah, but its also an incredibly minor dick move, and maybe I’ve already used up all of my fucks for the day.

    Edit: Ok, yall have convinced me. I’m going to start wheeling shopping carts into the most inconvenient places in the parking lot on purpose now. It’s really funny how much it ruins all of your days, thank you for giving me a mew source of joy. I wouldnt be surprised if I tipped and treated service staff a hell of a lot better than most of you considering how much you’re all itching to feel superior to others over extremely minor things

  • Fuck man, I was really hoping to scrounge up enough money to get my second tower up and running before I switched my current one over to linux so that I’d have an easier time transitioning everything without breaking anything too important, but this shit has me heavily rethinking that in favour of just switching over to linux sooner rather than later

  • Reddit was down. I also occasionally come back when I’ve burned through all the articles on Reddit to see if anything different pops up here, and then I see shit like Vegans nutritionally starving their pets and people getting their comments removed for not capitalizing someone pronouns correctly when I come back. Sometimes theres extra shit to read here, so I’ll probably keep coming back when I’ve drained reddit of content, but this shit reminds me why I’ve decided to deal with Reddits BS first before Lemmy’s

  • For me its because if you zoom out, the world is a better place to live in now, than it was 1000 years ago. Progress moves in waves, and right now it definitely feels like a significant low tide, but over time the coastline keeps creeping forward.

    • Humanity is the only meat eating animal that has significant percentage of its population willingly avoiding eating meat and instead finding ways to obtain essential nutrients without it (need to add that I am NOT one of those animals, I’m personally waiting for lab grown meat before I obstain from death based meat, if I ever do)

    • Humanity by and large no longer needs to leave its sick and wounded to die because we invented technology and infrastructure to both heal, and take care of those we cant heal

    • We’ve progressed to the point as a species where in order to bring more prosperity to our community, we no longer have to take from other communities, and that wasnt always the case (unfortunately this is only a recent achievement, and as such, not all of our population has adapted to this, hence our current problems)