Languages: Français, English

Pronouns: They/them


  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I’m very left, so I have historically always voted Green in provincial elections (I’m a big fan of David Coon, at least as far as I can be a “fan” of a politician).

    However, I’m considering voting Liberal for the first time in my life since my riding is tightly contested between the Lib candidate and the incumbent Conservative. I absolutely despise both strategic voting and the provincial Liberal Party, but not nearly as much as I loathe Higgs and his crew.

    I’m non-binary, have many queer & trans friends, including some who do drag. I’m also francophone. NB under a Conservative government is dangerous for my loved ones and I. Especially since we’re basically guaranteed a Conservative victory I’m the next federal elections, I have night terrors at the idea of Premier Higgs and PM Poilievre.

  • Personally, I think refraining from distributing genocidal propaganda is pretty functionally dissimilar to being a bigot.

    I don’t want to come off as abrasive and I don’t want to assume any ill-intent on your part, but it’s fucking frustrating hearing takes like this as a trans person. Equating the refusal to participate in a hateful disinformation campaign to refusing to marry a gay couple is deifying the liberal concepts of law & order at the expense of human decency. It is not hypocrisy to support anti-fascist actions whilst denouncing fascist actions, even if they express those actions in a similar fashion. For example, I largely support Just Stop Oil’s disruptive protests, whereas I would be disgusted if fascists defaced artworks by spray-painting swastikas all over. Is that hypocritical?

    Again, sorry if I come on strongly in this comment, my frustrations are definitely from society at large rather than your comment, but having your right to exist being framed as a “political belief” is frankly exhausting.

  • I find it so cool that you’ve been vegan for 24 years, as a younger vegan (7 years) I thank you for suffering through groceries with one brand of soy milk and maybe some tofu (if you’re lucky) so that we can live in this world were I have access to vegan fudgesicles at the local grocery store.

    I’m curious though, because veganism has definitely been a point of contention in my past few relationships; how do you and your wife manage meals? Do you do separate meals, or is it more of a “she’s vegan at home” type situation?

  • (Also, as a footnote, Espresso shots die after 5-10 seconds; the crema just dissipates after then, making the shot taste acidic)

    Espresso shots “dying” within 10 seconds is a myth, apparently started by Starbucks’ training funnily enough. The flavour of a shot definitely dies down as it gets cooler and the crema dissipates, but it’s a matter of minutes rather than seconds before a shot tastes bad.

    Heck it takes more than 10 seconds to get the drink to the clients in every café I’ve worked in. If espresso dies after 10 seconds, I have never served a good espresso. I’ve also apparently never had good espresso at work, because I swear every damn time I pull a shot for myself a client comes right in before I can take a sip :P

  • NB has never been a safe haven for queer people, but the brazenness of homophobes and transphobes has increased dramatically since Premier Higgs’ attack on trans youth and policy 713.

    I personally know quite a few drag performers in the province, and every single one of them consistently receives death threats and harassment on their social media.

    If you vote conservative, fuck you. The rhetoric of the Conservatives (both provincially in NB and federally) is directly influencing the rise of hate crimes towards people I love. If you still support these political parties, you are either uninformed to a ridiculous degree (in which case, please educate yourself before giving your support to people) or you’re a shitstain on society.