Enjoy being a Fucking Hero!
(No sarcasm intended - that’s hard enough to count as an heroic feat, IMHO, which is probably why people were telling each other about it)
Enjoy being a Fucking Hero!
(No sarcasm intended - that’s hard enough to count as an heroic feat, IMHO, which is probably why people were telling each other about it)
I’m pretty sure somebody who died because they didn’t made sure to check freely available information beforehand given the very loud and widespread advanced notices that “serious shit might be coming your way” counts as Natural Selection.
Femme Fatale
I’m afraid it doesn’t take much spine to speak up online, especially since I’m an European and hence with little at stake on the US Presidential race.
(Mind you, I do go beyond words and have a been a member of small Leftwing parties in two of the countries I lived in).
None the less, thanks for the compliment.
A rabidly racist society whose leaders keep telling the West that they have “Western Values”.
Yeah, 19th Century White Colonialist Values, same kind that the Belgians in Congo and the Afrikaneers in South Africa had.
Being alive has both a 100% morbidity rate and a 100% mortality rate.
Until vastly larger numbers of people get trained in Advanced Mathematics and Degree Level Scientific disciplines, the human norm will never be anywhere near Mathematicians and Scientists.
It’s quite literally abnormal to be a Scientist or Mathematician.
Then again, so is being Homeless or an Olympic-level Athlete.
Being taught Statistics at University was a real eye opener on this…
The German Authorities: still keeping alive the Authoritarian mindset and “protecting” those commiting Genocide whilst claiming to represent a “superior” race from “Communists” and “lesser” races.
You can get the Nazi Party out of Germany but you can never get the Nazism out of the hearts of the kind of German who seeks power.
Maybe you can go the warehouse and pick it up from the boxes, drive down to the farm to het the produce or, even better, grow your own food ALL THE WHILE STILL PAYING FULL VALUE TO THE SUPERMARKET.
“People used to have even more done for them and now they don’t and pay the same” is not the powerful argument for us having even less done for us that you think it is.
The “right wing media” (what I would call the far-right media here in Europe) will say pretty anything quite independently of it being true or not. They’ve relentlessly been making shit up about Democrats and will keep on doing so.
The people who believe the “right wing media” are never going to vote for Kamala because they already believe a massive pile of unbelievable bollocks about her.
“The right wing media will say” isn’t quite the powerful argument that you think it is for the future POTUS to keep her association with an unrepentant Genocide enabler and supporter.
It’s almost as if they do underman the tills on purpose to force people to do the checkout work themselves for free …
Not wanting to do free work for a company (they don’t even give you a discount if you use self-service) is being a boomer?
That’s the first time I’ve seen the word “boomer” on the opposite side of the word “sucker”.
Zionists are Nazis.
Same propaganda techniques, same violent unrestrained racism, same calous murdering of those of the “wrong” race.
The only difference is that the “superior race” the Zionists claim to represent is a different one, as is the one they deem untermenschen (or specifically in their words “human animals”).
You can literally replace “Israel” for “Germany” and “Jewish People” for “Arian Race” in some of the speeches coming from the Israeli government to end up with something pretty close to some of the Nazi speeches.
If you want to be technical about it, Zionists are ethno-Fascists - which is a rarer and far more racist and violent kind of Fascism than the traditional one - like the Nazis but they’re not specifically the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (so, not actually the NAZI party), just a modern version of it with a different set of races they see as ubermenschen and untermenschen (what the Zionists call “the chosen people” and the “human animals”).
So yeah, a guy like Biden actively supporting these modern Nazis with weapons whilst they commit Genocide is also a Nazi (just like somebody giving the KKK weapons knowing they will be used to kill afro-americans counts as being KKK) and those people doggedly coming out to defend Biden of any and all criticism of his actions in this are tainting themselves with the stink of this modern Nazism (they can hardly claim they’re against the mass murder of children whilst actively protecting one of the key guys in making it possible)
His VP can come out and voice her disagreement with his actions, distancing herself from him and those actions.
It’s the simplest solution by far.
Not doing so and instead having the party loyalists go around raging at any who criticize Biden’s complicity in Genocide, is not the simplest solution.
And yet here we are, with the tribalists piling up on any criticism online instead of Kamala Harris simply voicing her disagreement with Biden’s policies.
One wonders why exactly the chosen option is not the simplest and most likely to lead to a Trump defeat.
You assume too much.
I simply have principles and won’t just stand quiet in the face of evildoing, no matter what the excuse.
As I pointed out multiple times before, the simplest thing is for one man, Joe Biden, to change the way he acts, not for millions to close their eyes and swallow their principles (or for thousands of useful idiots to come out and defend his indefensible actions, making themselves accomplices along with him in the mass murder of children).
In 10 or 20 years’ time, when the full form of this Holocaust is known, I will know I was always on the right side and you and those like you will be trying to forget how you tainted your hands with the blood of children, protecting Biden from being forced to not help murder them anymore.
I’ll leave you with a thought: do you think the bombing of residential neighborhoods in Beirut with 2000lb bombs sent from the US (which the US Military refuses to use because the collateral damage is too great) which has killed countless civilians including children, would have happened without the useful idiots and tribalists having spend the last year doggedly defending of Biden allowing him to send ever more and more dangerous weapons to Israel? To you really think the chain of events that has resulted in Israel extending the war to Lebanon would’ve still happened if there was a massive outcry against Joe Biden and the Democrats 6 months ago, well before the election?
There is no real different between two kind of shameless liars covering up mass murder of children.
One might even say Netanyahu is at times less dishonest (if one could measure “honesty” at such infinitesimal levels) because he’s more open about his murderous intentions.
Biden on the other hand is a full blown hypocrite who claims to want to stop Netanyahu whilst knowingly sending him the very 2000lb bombs used in residential areas in Gaza and Lebanon, a kind which the US Military itself does not use because its collateral damage is too massive.
They’re both sociopaths, it’s just that while Netanyahu is playing a “strong man” character whilst Biden plays the “powerless to act gentleman”, and many in more modern nations don’t recognized the shameless lying under the latter style as easily as they do under the former.
I was going to write that I don’t think you’re a Nazi, just giving yourself excuses to act in ways that taint you with their stink.
Then I saw this beauty:
actively helping the modern Nazis mass-murder children in, not one but TWO countries, lest the electoral chances of that person’s party are weakened.
Low quality analysis and very biased take on what’s going on.
Already after the Genocide was well underway Biden sent Israel 2000lb bombs, which the US itself does not use because their collateral damage is too large (they flatten entire housing blocks), which have been used by Israel in both Gaza and in residential areas in Lebanon resulting in horrible numbers of civilian casualties, including many children.
You Sir, have the morals of a Zionist, a modern Nazi.
Yeah, but you get the best murdered infant blood that money can buy!!!
Israel and Joe Biden - making sure only the freshest and youngest blood ends up covering the hands of Americans, willing or otherwise!
(Judging by the many rabid self-annointed Biden protectors even here, not all those willing to soak their hands in the blood of “brown” infants are Trumpists)