A man who grabbed our concept of a centralized internet by the balls and squeezed it so hard that the Lemmy’s user count 65xed in a 3 months period. Thank you for your service

  • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Reddit summarized: I got temp banned from a subreddit for calling a neo-nazi a cracker so I made the mod’s message “Calling someone a cracker isn’t standing up to racism” my flair on SubredditDrama where I proceeded to get perm banned from for spoiling Hogwarts Legacy before literally everyone on that subreddit started doing it so it was reduced to a temp. Oh and that one time I got a perm from a certain hexbear-affiliated subreddit for pointing out that some guy receiving a bunch of positive attention was probably an anti-semite but it would be a few years later before I got banned entirely off that site. Point is, reddit mods will ban you over the stupidest shit.