The European Union should urgently address and reverse the lasting impacts of European colonialism and support a reparations programme to rectify continuing injustices, according to a draft resolution to be presented to the European parliament’s development committee.

Noting that the EU has made “no concerted efforts to recognise, address and rectify the lasting effects of European colonialism on social and international inequities”, the draft resolution calls for the creation of a permanent EU forum on restorative justice.

The presentation marks the first formal attempt to push reparations for slavery and colonialism on the EU agenda. These preliminary discussions among MEPs are a response to increasing demands for developed nations to make amends for slavery. Last month the African Union agreed to join Caribbean nations to form a “united front” aimed at persuading European nations to pay for “historical mass crimes”.

    10 months ago

    Better late than never, finally someone making this proposal! Mostly all “western” European countries committed crimes against humanity and their current wealth is based on having robbed through the centuries. Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom be ready for restitution.