• undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
    3 hours ago

    Oh, I see, you are saying that. I forget how many people subscribe to supply side Jesus.

    So, we can dismiss anything he is supposed to have said that disagrees with you but we can beleive the ones you believe agree with you? Thats an interesting take.

    They gave their professions up to follow Jesus. So, its very in keeping with what I said and belied any idea that their former professions belied anything. That’s very much you drawing back from where you wanted to end up and not the other way round.

    Remember that “mammon” doesn’t mean money. Had Jesus only meant money, when he said that, he would have used the Hebrew word for money or coins and not a completely different word. Even then, very few people had any contact with actual money back in those days and, of the few that did, they would only ever use them to pay taxes. So, telling people not to love something they didnt come into contact with and, even if they did, would hate their contact with it would have been a bit silly. So, he clearly could never have meant that.

    Its bizzare that you go on about deliberate misrepresentations in the bible and missed one of the most egregious.

    Mammon means wealth or profit above what you need to survive. “The love of profit is the root of all evil.” “If you have 2 shirts, your second belongs to the man with no shirt.”

    Jesus was anti wealth and Christianity, according to what he is recorded to have actually said, is incompatible with capitalism.

    • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
      3 hours ago

      Bro, I’m an atheist.

      I don’t subscribe to anything to do with it.

      But seriously. The gospels were recorded as oral tradition. Maybe from geriatric as hell disciples, but more likely who ever they told stories to. Most the disciples died around the same time Mark was written (70 C.E.)

      If you accept that jesus wasn’t made up out of whole cloth, and that’s reasonable, then the details like who the disciples were and came from are probably reliable. They would have been still in living memory. (Or alive, at least to tell the author of Mark.)

      Same for things like who lent Jesus a tomb to rot in, S well as numerous other examples. So, if you want to point to all the Things People Wrote About Him, you’re going to have to take all the parts where rich people gave him places to sleep, and food and hospitality, and generally hung out with him; along with all the “yup money bad.”

      As written, he clearly didn’t have a problem with wealth when it was shared with him.