• homura1650@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    To be clear, the target of the shooting was an unidentified individual, and a scoped rifle was found in the vicinity.

    Maybe something else happened, but it looks like the secret service doing their job and stoppingva shooter before he was ready to take the shot.

    • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
      20 days ago

      ‘the shooting’ is the Secret Service agent doing their job. The story going the rounds is that the agent was doing a sweep ahead of trump, saw a guy with something that looked suspicious and decided to fire on the guy. Whatever happened between recognizing that things were hinky and the shots… well. that’s the first question.

      my cursory search on FL carry laws suggest that unless the guy was coming back from hunting, fishing or target shooting, then he’s not allowed to open carry (there may be some other exceptions.) It’s dubious that’s what he was doing… In any case, dude in a public, not-controlled space, not being an active shooter doesn’t generally allow for lethal force.

      It’s entirely possible the agent walked up and chatted with him, or tried to, and the guy either bolted or gave him reason to justify lethal force.

      But the biggest question of all: why would a guy planning to kill Trump walk around in plain sight waiting for Trump to show up?

      Like. I’m guessing you could see the, uhm, idiocy in that one.