It wouldn’t be fair to have your felony conviction negatively impact your opportunities. This is how justice works right?

    28 days ago


    I’m stating it right now. I am officially running for President in the 2024, 2028, 2032, and 2036 elections. Therefore, to avoid the appearance of impropriety and not show political bias, the criminal court system cannot send me to jail until after the 2036 election, regardless of what crimes I commit or am convicted of in the mean time. The crimes I commit between now and then are irrelevant. I mean, you can convict me of those crimes if you’d like. You just can’t punish me for it because I’m a Presidential Candidate under the Trump standard set forth by this judge.

    This act of “not showing bias” goes to show the exact bias that the entire court system continues to give to Trump: giving him special privileges that exactly zero other people in this country would have extended to them in the same situation. And in one fell swoop, Merchan shows that he’s absolutely no better than the rest of them; when push comes to shove, every single one of them will go out of their way to avoid holding Trump accountable for anything, all the while wondering why he keeps doing it.

    He’s doing it because it works. He’s doing it because you let him. He’s doing it because you are unwilling to do anything to stop him.

    And he’s going to keep doing it because you continue to let him win. Fuck this judge and fuck every other judge who continues to rule that Trump gets special treatment as if it’s some kind of fucking birthright.