
The Cerritos visits the Ferengi homeworld.

Written by: Cullen Crawford

Directed by: Brandon Williams

  • teft@startrek.website
    1 year ago

    “I’ve authorized the local authorities to drag you out of there.”

    “Just go limp. Don’t fight them”

    Oh man Ransom is becoming one of my favorite characters.

  • williams_482@startrek.website
    1 year ago

    I dislike cringe humor and watching characters be uncomfortable, so I didn’t love the Rutherford/Tendi plotline, but there were enough cute moments in there to make it worthwhile. It feels like the show is openly baiting “shippers” at every opportunity, and this is the most flagrant example yet.

    With that said - and making no claims about if romance is in any way necessary or inevitable here - these two being so close is adorable.

    For a therapist, Migleemo is either really bad at reading other people’s emotions, or deviously brilliant at appearing clueless. Possibly both?

    I appreciate the continued development of Mariner as a person who keeps getting in her own way, slowly coming to terms with that and trying to figure out what to do about it. It’s a problem I don’t relate to at all in the specifics, but the more general “why do I keep doing this” is very easy to connect to, and I know I’m not alone in that. Her Ferengi friend laying it all out for her here seems like an important step, and I wonder where she’s going to turn next.

    This probably deserves a deeper dive at some point, but the further we go the more I see Mariner’s path as a more realistic and relatable trajectory for Michael Burnham to have taken. Both are superbly talented people capable of great things. Both are also reckless, supremely overconfident in their own judgement, and prone to self destructive behavior, all of which combines to put them and those around them in dangerous situations. Burnham in S1 right before the Mirror Universe jump and Mariner in the first episode of Lower Decks are in fairly similar places, both having been recently bumped down from more senior positions due to major fuckups. This is where their paths diverge: both continue to display all the behaviors that got them in trouble, but Mariner remains a lower decker on relatively unimportant assignments, with both her strengths and weaknesses clearly recognized by her superiors. Burnham, meanwhile, is fully returned to her previous high station and even promoted beyond that because her most problematic behaviors are improbably rewarded by a universe which places her in the middle of multiple extraordinarily significant events. I strongly related to S1 Burnham, and really wanted to see her grapple with her weaknesses and develop into a better person and officer over time. I didn’t get that opportunity, but Mariner gives a second chance at telling that slow-burn story and thus far, Lower Decks has done very well with it.

    • Tired8281@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      It’s been an ongoing plot line that Migleemo is sort of a lemon at counselling.

  • 1simpletailer@startrek.website
    1 year ago

    Liked the episode overall, was good to see Rom and Leeta again and I like to continued progress we see among the Ferengi. However, there is absolutely no way I will be able to conceive of the Ferengi joining the Federation, at least at this point in the timeline. The Federation has notoriously strict rules for who they allow to join. As we see in the episode, in spite of the progress made under Grand Nagus Rom the Feregi still have a culture that revolves around exploitation. We see people enslaved in mines for lying about being a couple to get a discount at a restaurant! An alliance would make much more sense then an application to join.

    • khaosworks@startrek.website
      1 year ago

      We know that by 2400 there are Ferengi cadets graduating from Starfleet Academy and by the 32nd Century there’s even a Ferengi Captain, among other Ferengi officers.

      While not being a Federation member doesn’t preclude you from serving in Starfleet, there’s that to consider.

        • khaosworks@startrek.website
          1 year ago

          Correct, but that wasn’t what I was addressing - it was whether there was any further indication that Ferenginar did successfully join the Federation, so I was pointing to possible post-2381 indicators.

            • khaosworks@startrek.website
              1 year ago

              It’s not clear. They did send a delegation to the Ten-C summit, but so did Earth who wasn’t a member at the time. There’s a background star map in an earlier episode that shows “Ferengi Territory” as opposed to it being part of the Federation, but it’s barely visible.