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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I can forgive some Trump voters in 16. A lot of them were just following the time honored script of republicans good, democrats bad, go team. I knew a few that eventually saw it for what it is and had enough character to admit they were wrong.

    But that’s pretty damn limited. We knew who he was in 16. There were no surprises for most of us during his presidency. If you then voted for him in 2020 you had excuse. You were just a fucking idiot.

    If you vote for him in 24. You’re not only an idiot you particularly hate America and you’re a joke.

  • These are the real problem group. They are hooked on partisan politics and would never support a Democrat, but this comes at the cost of the cancer growing among their ranks. I dont think these people are all classical racist fascists. These are Christian church going family men entering middle and elderly age. They are in fact generally good people and they are proud of that fact. These are the ‘nobody wants to work anymore’, 'I worked two jobs to make it through college ’ crowd. But they have done well and raised good families. They are in my mind good people, hard workers, and good leaders. But they can’t get past this us vs them mentality. They don’t like trump and the maga shit but only because it makes them look bad. They want to be taken seriously and maintain their honor but it’s real hard when your new maga friends keep wearing swastikas.

    They are conflicted and angry and have signaled that no matter what, the majority of them will place their pride above all and vote for Trump again and again. They just can’t accept that shit got away from them and their great monolith party of principles and honor is anything but. They have to find any way to both sides it and make the maga cancer seem like a common problem amongst their enemies ranks as well. To them it’s not a maga problem if they can create a boogeyman. BLM and trans people invading schools.

    It falls apart quickly under review, so that’s why they don’t review. If you get your news by reading headlines and you get your headlines from fox news, you’ll always have a safe space.

    These men and women are inadvertently killing America. They are blind to it because their victory would seemingly benefit them and cause no problems. They don’t realize the true ramifications because they dismiss all of that as liberal overreaction.

    This is the group that scares me, just because they yield so much influence.

  • This isnt even factoring in the mass extinction event that was the covid pandemic. At first it hit everyone equally but once the vaccine came out and they decided to die on their stupid little hill the numbers skewed disproportionately towards the unvaccinated being the ones impacted in subsequent waves. We have confirmed this now in a few studies and I saw it first hand working in the emergency department.

    That absolutely accelerated the trend you’re describing and I think they are just now realizing that the maga train is careening towards its demise and their bold strategy to worship a conman is going to cost them everything.

    This year will be the final deciding factor on that. If we can rid ourselves from trump we can prove that there is still hope for this nation. I’m not so naive to think that there won’t be a new conman to take his place and we won’t find ourselves in an endless fight. But if we can’t stop trump and he somehow gets back in power then there’s absolutely no hope for this nation.

  • I think you underestimate Russian cruelty. A country that can normalize sending its citizens into an absolute meat grinder has no problems being beyond barbaric with its POWs. I have no doubt Ukranian prisoners are suffering a fate even worse than we can imagine. In circumstances like that suddenly it might just be worth it to accept your fate being killed by your countrymen. Hell maybe you can even get back to them.

    The Germans did the same thing in ww2 and in many instances the soldiers either killed their captors or surrendered the first chance they could.

  • Nah see you’ve got it wrong. You are correct that things happen or don’t happen based entirely on the wealth that is generated for select people. But the people who would benefit from the domination and removal of Russia easily outbid the people who would benefit from their success. The major companies that are already making insane money sending weapons to Ukraine would be happy to see a ground war kick off into Russia. Yeah there’s some right wing grifters that are pro Russia but they’re small potatoes. The money Russia is throwing around is a fraction of a percent of the money that nato aligned arms manufacturers and whatnot are throwing around.

  • Every cent we spend in Ukraine is arguably the best return on investment the US has ever had. With no US casualties we have effectively purchased the decimation of our enemies military and crippled their ability to wage any meaningful military action for decades.

    Had Putin been successful in Ukraine he would already be setting about plans for the next bullshit excuse to invade the next nation. We played games with Hitler and conceded nation after nation only to find out that he had no intention of ever stopping. These men are all the same.

    We can have a conversation about the billions of dollars wasted by the US government every year, this is not one of those instances.