Nah. It’s just bears.
Developer for 30+ years, father of four.
Nah. It’s just bears.
I almost successfully read that to the tune of Shia Lebeouf
I’ve seen less than half of you half as well as I’d like and less than half of you have as well as you deserve.
That’s just my cursor passing over on google earth.
SWEET. I loved that show.
This show creeped me the fuck out.
How the fuck is supporting the constitution conservative now? That’s some bullshit.
Interesting left turn. For those of you who don’t know:
Holy FUCK. Don’t read the article if you’re easily affected by true stories of evil like I am.
Keep going. I’m not done having adventures.
This meme made me chortle.
This meme made me sad.
I don’t like saying this, but you reap what you sow. This is pretty on par with what all the Texans I know believe. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. If your bootstraps are missing then it’s definitely someone else’s fault.
But what about your donkey level?
If a grizzly comes after you, play dead. ;)
“wrath of morons” has a nice ring to it.
I’m going to ahead and say you’re likely correct.
That does not look much like Randy Savage.
How dare you call me normal good sir.