Big week for me, but that’s because of some back issues I’m grabbing. As for this week’s releases:

My Bad Escape From Peculiar Island #1 - Looks weird, I like weird

Man’s Best #3 - Loving Man’s Best so far

Blue Book 1947 #4 - Aliens are fun, we need more aliens, I want comics like Edd had from Ed, Edd, and Eddy!

Bat-Man First Knight #3 - The Bat is alright, also gonna pick up a few bat back issues from the 80s while I’m there.

White Boat #1 - Don’t know much but the cover looks cool

Blood Squad Seven #1 - Same as above

Rook Exodus #2 - Not gonna lie I’m probably dropping this. It’s neat and stuff but tbh the selling point is that it shares a universe with Geiger, and honestly I’m not sure how much I care. Probably dropping Redcoat too, same reason, though I do like that a bit more.

What’s on your lists this week?

    5 months ago

    Grim #17 - Grim has been solid throughout but one of my main criticisms was that the characters weren’t super fleshed out. However character focused interludes like this one really help.

    Read a couple of DC stuff today including Wonder Woman #9 which continues be really good.

    Going to read SIKTC tomorrow